What is evangelicalism? The term has become so ubiquitous and opaque. The term connotates a universal distaste for many people and has rightly confused the many adherents to this religious movement. Evangelicals have become a mishmash of every Protestant denomination to include a straight ambiguous smattering of circular dogma to fit a square rendering of sacred Scriptures. The time is ripe for a counter-movement to right this drifting ship of dogmatic meanderings through inspired text. Remember, the Bible is an ancient, ambiguous, and diverse collection of texts pointing to Jesus Christ. Here, the Son upsets the apple cart of our view of God. God is Love. The Bible is a progressive revelation of our Father fully culminated in the person Jesus and fully revealed in the resurrection of the Universal Christ. Here, I would like to delineate from the sacred written text, which we call the leather-bound Bible to the original Bible of Creation we have had for billions of years. Jesus Christ is the Logos and the Word has been eternally present before Creation. Rooted in self-giving, the kenotic invitation to the Trinitarian divine dance has been unleashed for Creation to join the celebration. The eternal, Universal Christ present in all Creation was our original Bible- the Word ever-present in all creation. The written Word came after ages and in many circles has led to biblicism- a sacred book- held higher than the One it proclaims! On Mount Tabor (Transfiguration) there present was Moses (the Law) and Elijah (the prophets) and Jesus (the God-Man). The Bible was conspicuously absent. And a loud voice (God) thundered, “Listen to Him!”. My Evangelical friends, woefully, have listened to only their “inerrant” Scripture. Jesus spoke, “You search the Scriptures for eternal life, but they testify to the one standing right in front of you”. Lest you believe I do not hold a high view of Scripture you would be incorrect. I hold, in totality, the Bible that has pointed to Christ before Creation existed. I am saddened by the distractions of hierarchy, politics, and power that have taken our eyes off the eternal Love that hounds and woos us to join the Cosmic Divine dance.
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