“God forbid that I should limit the time of acquiring faith to the present life. In the depth of the Divine mercy, there may be opportunity to win it in the future.” – Martin Luther, Letter to Hanseu Von Rechenberg, 1522

Romans 11:29: For the gifts and calling of God are without attrition.

Romans 6:23: For the incomes of sin is fatality, yet the gift of God is immortality via Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ephesians 2:8: For by poise are ye conserved with belief; which not of yourselves: it is the presence of God.

The Bible tells us that the gifts, as well as the calls of God, are without repentance. This is to say, that the presents and calling of God are not drawn away, withdrawn, or reversed towards himself who gave it – and also below I will certainly express that without attrition the ways of God are also “without a deadline, or expiration, or discontinuing to be, or canceled”. Fundamentally, God’s phone call never falls quiet, and neither are his grace-gifts withdrawn.

In Romans 6:23 we are informed that the gift of God is immortality, or “zoe aionios”, a “charisma” or grace-gift which is never ever withdrawn, and certainly, the word for a gift in Greek is “χάρισμα” which indicates “grace-gift” – this coincided word utilized for gifts in Romans 11:29 – these “grace-gifts” God will not revoke, nor repent of, neither terminate.

There is an extremely vital message in this knowable that we have to surely see, and that is that not only are the gifts of God not repented of, or terminated, however, the extreme calling of God is not repented of. The Greek word for “calling” is “klesis” which according to the Strong’s Concordance implies an invitation – Glory to the Highest in his infinite mercy, just as the gifts of God are not revoked neither is the invite to participate in His kingdom ever terminated!

It is below that we locate a Biblically defendable position for the concept that the possibility to get Salvation does not finish at death, as we are wont to think – due to the fact that the invitation to join the banquet, to take part in the grace-gift of eternal life, which comes only by salvation in Jesus Christ is never, ever, ever repented!

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