Have we had three incarnations? Historically, we have categorized the incarnation of God through Jesus Christ in time and history. This I believe but would be apt to say this is an incarnation. God emptied himself (kenosis) into creation when the Trinity created the universe. It was a creative act and God was incarnated in all things. It is frequently (and derogatively) called panentheism. God is in all things yet transcends all things. How could it be otherwise? So our first incarnation is through matter, all things that we see, including mountains, birds, and dogs. The mountains clapped and God cares for the fallen sparrow and when I look into the eyes of my dog, God is looking back. You need to stay with me here. I know it is a paradigm shift, and religious paradigms are the hardest because we maintain that they cannot change. But if God created all, whether through breath, Big Bang, evolution, or Word it would naturally flow He is in all, however, still transcending all. Isn’t this more palatable than the personalization of Jesus that we have been wont to possess? God is everywhere and everything belongs. The third incarnation is the catholic, universal Church, with Jesus Christ as the Head. This should be comforting. We are still in the Flow. If you are still with me you can see a very immense God, having energy that possesses all and flows everlastingly in and through all. I will continue to flesh out the Universal Christ in future posts and I believe (hope) you will see the implications of such a view lends itself to loving ourselves, neighbors, enemies, earth, and all creation more fruitfully.

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